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    Stadium Instruments KONTAKT

    SYNTHiC4TE | July 12 2015 | 908 MB

    For the 2010 world cup we brought to you the amazing Vuvuzela library. Now in light of the 2014 world cup, and by popular demand, we are proud to bring to you STADIUM INSTRUMENTS – an in depth collection of over 300 traditional and morphed stadium sports inspired instruments. This library is the most complete collection of traditional and morphed stadium crowd instruments. The core of the STADIUM INSTRUMENTS library is centered around blurring the line between music and sound design, which is defined in the hundreds of morphed sounds we created, each of which fits all genres of music production. In creating this product, we used the traditional sounds of various instruments generally found in sporting events and stadiums to produce and mutate new cutting-edge morphed instruments. To top it off, there is a small collection of acoustic instruments untreated for your pleasure. Whether looking for an awesome collection of instruments that blur the line between music and sound design, or looking to be part of the crowd while watching your favorite world cup football team on TV, STADIUM INSTRUMENTS is the prefect solution.

    Stadium Instruments KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE


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