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    Sparkletop (1965) For KONTAKT

    DiSCOVER | November/24Th/2018 | 921 MB

    The Sparkletop (Silvertop) model from the 1960s defines vintage keyboards. Sampled at 18 velocity levels recorded for the full duration. Manufactured in the 1960s, this was the first commercial version by the famous tine-based piano manufacturer. Unique to the Sparkletop series are the traditional felt hammers (vs. neoprene tips on later models) and the Raymac tines. It is featured on many jazz and R&B recordings from the late 1960s. Nearly every note of the piano was sampled and eight velocity layers of note-off release samples are included. The instrument uses 78MB of RAM and requires 1084MB of free disk space. You will find a three-band equalizer, volume for the release samples and a velocity curve dialog box which allows the user to adjust the instrument to respond to touch. In addition, each has controls for the stereo vibrato, phaser and reverb effects. Finally, a number of amp simulations are provided.

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    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/UwiL
    Sparkletop (1965) For KONTAKT-DiSCOVER


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