Soul Provider 2 MPC
Team DECiBEL | 30 Apr 2020 | WiN: 206.5 MB | OSX: 237.1 MB
Soul Provider 2 blends the golden era hip hop vibe with a modern twist. The sound pallet and live instrumentation was processed with various vintage samplers & outboard gear, resampled, and then flipped and formatted to create the classically authentic sound. The textures once again feel as if they were lifted from vinyl with just the right amount of “dust” & character you’ll be looking for! The drums are punchy and dirty! Mello chords, vocals, and various chops are all fused together with the most soulful processing you’ll find in the MPC line up! All customer tailored to sit perfectly within the mix and much more.
Soul Provider 2 MPC-DECiBEL
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