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  • Sony Sound Series CHARM WAV-DiSCOVER

    .-CHARM WAV-.

    DiSCOVER | 29-10-2012 | 208 MB

    .: Relaxing Commercial Downtempo :.

    Charming things are universally appealing. In the world of modern electronic music, good downtempo and IDM tracks exude real charm. So naturally, this kind of sound works well in multiple contexts: background and foreground, personal and social, alternative and mainstream, simple or sophisticated. CHARM’s 31 construction kits are calibrated for success in pop songs, commercials, film, and multimedia presentations. Royalty-free and easy to use, CHARM also works across professional contexts, making this a go-to title for media producers at every level — just open a kit, layer a few of its exceptionally pleasant sounds on your timeline, mix to suit, and enjoy instant, high-quality music that will fit right in and stand up to repeated listening. Why settle for cheesy when you can have charming? Keep a CHARM in your music toolbox for those occasions when unanimous acceptance of your message is the primary objective. Produced by Adrian Walther.


    Sony Sound Series CHARM WAV-DiSCOVER
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