Miroslav Refills Vol.2 Choir
TEAM DYNAMiCS | 05.13.06 | Size: 1.29 GB
Classical male and female human voice choirs with performance articulations and individual syllables for the ultimate in expression and tonal variation. From ohs, ahs, uhs to syllables like Po, Do, Re, Mi, Si, glissandos and other performance variations, these choirs cover a wide range of colors and are the ideal companion to the Miroslav orchestra. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.
This library contains:
- – Multisamples for Combinator
- – Multisamples for NN-XT
- – 305 sounds
- – 2.14 GB
Sonic Reality Miroslav Refills Vol.2 Choir REFiLL DVDR Post: