✅ Shimmer and Shake KONTAKT

September 20th, 2024 ⚡
  • Shimmer and Shake KONTAKT-MaGeSY

    Shimmer & Shake KONTAKT

    P2P | 02.01.2011 | 240 MB

    Shimmer & Shake: a collection of shaken hand percussion patches for Kontakt AND a collection of 2350 loops in the REX, Stylus RMX, Kontakt 3.5/4, ACID wav and Apple Loop formats. Instruments include the cabasa, vintage tambourine, modern tambourine, brass tambourine, sistrum, maracas hi, maracas low, caxixi, shekere, egg shaker, beer can shaker, “Bali-Pong” shaker, rain stick (played as a shaker), finger drum shaker, goat toes, sand shaker, rock shaker, pill bottle shaker, Shakerine front, Shakerine side, sleigh bells, shell shaker, Spin Spark hi, Spin Spark low and Vari-Tone. All loop folders and patch names further identify the sound characteristic to help find the right sound quickly (“natural”, “plastic”, “jingle”, “metal”, “sand”, etc.).

    Unique to the multi-sample portion of the library is the “Tight” control. This unique interface knob tightens up MIDI performances when taking tracks into higher BPM ranges. This is something that naturally occurs when a percussionist performs, but has never been translated to the sample world until now. “Tighten” up performances with a twist of a knob to prevent mixes from being overtaken by unrealistic and “slushy” sounding parts. View the video demo to see hear and see it in action.

    Multi-sample users will also enjoy over 4900 unique samples that cover regular shake sounds, accent shakes, hand hits, stick hits (tambourines) and crescendo/decrescendo rolls. Patches were programmed with consistency, so should you decide to change the shaker or tambourine, you will not need to change your MIDI part.

    The loop portion of Shimmer & Shake presents each of the 25 instruments with 89 different rhythms (2225 loops) covering 4/4, 3/4, 7/8 and 5/4 time signatures. Individual hits and rolls for each are offered for endings and breaks.

    Additionally, the loops are highly organized and rhythmically consistent from suite to suite making it extremely easy to audition different sounds while keeping the same rhythm. And as part of the BPM Flex Series™ every loop can be used at virtually any tempo with no artificial stretching!

    Ease-of-use, consistency, organization and professional grade sounds, rhythms and programming make Shimmer & Shake a resource that you will use time-and-time again.

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    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/yuKWy
    Shimmer and Shake KONTAKT
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