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  • Sahara Beats: Rhythms of the Sands KONTAKT

    Sahara Beats KONTAKT

    P2P | 28 May 2022 | 1.7 GB

    Kontakt instrument featuring exotic percussive beats and grooves that originate from middle eastern and north African music. Sahara Beats features alluring and exotic percussive beats and grooves that originate from middle eastern and north African music. However, these sounds are not just for use in ethnic or world music but will enhance any production no matter what the style of music. Sahara Beats is a loop-slice based library consisting of two Kontakt instruments covering 100 different percussion styles each with 24 different variations. There are more than 2000 samples of middle eastern percussive beats and grooves included in the library. The interface contains a whole host of amazing functions and capabilities that give users the ability to manipulate the loops to create, arrange, and compose their own highly individual grooves.

    – 2400 loops with 48 kHz – 16 bit compressed samples.
    – Two nki patches covering different styles, time signatures, and tempos.
    – User-friendly interface equipped with a complete fully automated FX rack.
    – Drag and drop MIDI to DAW function.
    – Synchronization to host tempo.
    – Independent control of random, reverse, tune, volume, attack, stretch, zigzag, pan, feel, speed, octave and slice sound parameters of each slice.
    – Looping tools with a neat built-in auto save preset system.
    – Real time change of tuning and phrases/loops with key switches.
    – Total of 100 styles with 24 variations of each.
    – Individual double/half speed of each loop.

    IMPORTANT: This product requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1! It will not work in the FREE Kontakt Player except in demo mode.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/jRaDY
    Sahara Beats: Rhythms of the Sands KONTAKT
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