• Retrograde Bass Kontakt Technia Magesy

    Retrograde Bass KONTAKT

    TECHNiA | 12 September 2023 | 3.5 GB

    The sound of a 1968 session player.

    Retrograde Bass recreates the sound of session bass players from the late 60’s. Warm, analog, and vintage is where Retrograde Bass starts, but a whole host of tools can take the sound well into the future. From 1968 to 2068, Retrograde Bass is truly A Bass Odyssey.

    A vintage fender P-Bass 3 ways…

    Palm Muted
    We sampled the entire bass with a piece of felt taped to the top of the strings, in addition to muting the strings with the palm of the hand.

    Light Palm Muted
    You can switch back and forth between Palm Muted and Light Palm Muted using the Mod Wheel. We sampled the entire bass a second time, but with the palm slightly lifted to allow the strings to resonate longer.

    Open Sustains
    A third round of sampling was done with no felt or palm muting, allowing the string to resonate uninhibited.

    1968 Fender Super Reverb
    We were able to track down an all-original 1968 Super Reverb for Retrograde Bass. Though it is normally a guitar amp, this amp was the weapon of choice for the session players on many your favorite records from the 60’s and 70’s.

    4 Vintage Mic Signals
    – The Direct signal gives you a clean, even sounding tone which we use in the default settings for the instrument.
    – The vintage Ribbon mic signal gives you a rich, warm tone with a lot of low-mid information.
    – The Dynamic mic position has more low end information that the ones before it, and adds a nice bite.
    – The Tube mic signal has a lot of attack and a more aggressive, forward sound.

    Warped Signal
    1968 -> 2068
    The “Warped” signal path takes the essence of the original bass samples and processes them resulting in a lo-fi and characterful sound. Through manipulation, warping, bending, and shifting, this unique path stands out on its own or adds texture to any of the microphone positions.

    Synth Signal
    – In addition to offering a wide range of microphone positions, you have the flexibility to blend in a synth signal. We’ve provided 3 synth wave forms: Square, Sawtooth and Sine wave. This allows you to either add some low end sub to your mics (using the LP filter), or double it up at full fidelity to create an acoustic/synth hybrid sound.

    Effects Rack
    – We made a selection of carefully crafted effects available to allow you take the sound further creatively. From saturation, reverbs, modulation effects, compression and a lo-fi warble you can transform the sound to something unique and characterful.

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    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/16GQa
    Retrograde Bass KONTAKT-TECHNiA
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