RAW 808 Drum Hits
FANTASTiC | 11 February 2023 | 13 MB
264 Massive Kicks, Hi-Low-Mid Toms, Open & Closed Hats, Rims, Snares, Rides, Crashes, Hi-Low-Mid Congas, & Claves from the 808 drum machine TR series. These sampled drum hits from the TR Drum Machine Line have been meticulously recorded through a lot of vintage outboard gear including the Neve 1073, 1084, API 512s, Distressor, 1176, LA-3A, LA-2A, & more giving you the true samples and amped sounds.
• Bass Drums – 37 Super Deep 808 kick drums famous for their cabinet rattling low end and snap.
• Congas – 40 congas (hi,mid,low) at different pitches/tunes for the true full hardware tonality.
• Hi Hats – 30 Open & closed hi-hats from the 808 with different decay times to capture the full & true experience of using the original machine.
• Snare Drums – 28 snares from the original machine sweeping thru tone & snap to grab every variation and bring it to you in the digital world.
• Cowbells – 7 cowbells from the 808 with gentle external processing for different accents
• Toms – 59 toms (hi,mid,low) from the 808 at different pitches/tunes giving you all the possibilities the hardware offered. An added folder of 23 triple layered unique tom sounds for the mega rhythm & tone lovers.
• Hand Claps – 20 claps originating from the 808 with gentle processing for adding warmth.
• Claves – 4 claves from the 808 drum machine.
• Maracas – 9 maracas from the 808.
• Rim Shots – 5 raw rim shot samples from the 808 with small amounts of drive added for thickness.
• Cymbals – 25 cymbals with some external processing for sublet variation and accents.ALL One-Shots are 24 bit wav files
264 Drum Sounds X 21.6 MBsINFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/s1OrG
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