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    Prophet 600 Synth Sounds KONTAKT

    Prophet 600 Synth Sounds KONTAKT | 251 MB

    The first commercially available synth to implement MIDI!! It’s a fun synth. Its big brother is the legendary Prophet 5. The P600 is very affordable today and is a great buy. Models with the newest software will enjoy polyphonic MIDI implementation and up to 100 memory patches to store their own sounds! The sound of the Prophet 600 is brighter and harsher than that of a Juno 106 but still just as funky.

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    The P600 has two oscillators per voice with sawtooth, triangle and variable pulse waveforms. The oscillators can be individually tuned or synced together. Similar quality VCF and VCA sections from the Prophet 5 can be found here too! The P5’s Poly-Mod section has also been passed onto the P600.

    17 Great Patches of Prophet 600 Synth made for Kontakt 4.1

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3du2
    Prophet 600 Synth Sounds KONTAKT


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