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✅ Propane Asylum v1.2 KONTAKT

January 8th, 2014 ⚡
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    Propane Asylum v1.2 KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 07 January 2014 | 215 MB

    Propane Asylum – Brand new and freshly sampled, these propane tanks will lock you up and throw away the key! Some filled, some empty, some rusty! These will give your music some gas as they’re 10 new sounds and 2 new combos adding up to 12 great groups to chose from. Each Sampler Instrument comes with 12 MIDI key selectable groups that you can adjust the ADSR, HP and LP Filters and add Convolution Reverb, Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, and Delay. Sampled at 96k/24 bit, these cinematic samples are very useful singe play sounds.

    INFO: http://redi.se/cke
    Propane Asylum v1.2 KONTAKT



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