• PowerFX Downtown Orchestra WAV ACiD-SPiRiT-MaGeSY

    Downtown Orchestra

    TEAM SPiRiT | 12 June 2010 | 434MB

    .:: R&B / Pop / Hip Hop ::.

    Downtown Orchestra is the MODERN MASTERWORK sample CD from PowerFX. Strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion loops and samples beautifully written, played and recorded specifically for contemporary production. You get entire orchestral parts and sections, plus a killer set of “low string riffs” that rock the house. The highly inspirational phrases in this offering scream to be turned into your “latest and greatest” composition.

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    DiSCONTiNUED: https://mage.si/abe4p
    PowerFX Downtown Orchestra WAV ACiD-SPiRiT
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