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    Perfect Piano Loops WAV MiDi

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 13 May 2014 | 92 MB

    Perfect Piano Loops’ is a collection of professional piano hooks that can be used for intros and hooks. Each piano hook has two variations that can be used together or stand-alone. These loops are tempo and key-labelled and ready to use in Sony ACID Pro, Logic, Reason, Pro Tools, Cubase, and more. If you enjoy piano melodies similar to Alicia Keys, Elton John or John Legend, this pack for you. These five Construction Kits will give you the inspiration to create professional hit songs. Not only do you get five piano hooks with an A and B section, but you also get the individual piano MIDI files, drum loops and a variety of additional supporting instruments.  This pack will give you the same professional quality as many of today’s top R&B, Pop and Hip Hop artists. You’ll find all the essential to make piano melody based productions in the styles of Classical piano, Hip Hop piano, RnB piano and much more. These sounds and samples are licensed as Royalty-Free for you to use in private and commercial productions..


    • 24-Bit WAV & MIDI Files
    • Keys and tempos are included
    • All files provided as Royalty-Free
    • 90 BPM
    • 5 piano hooks each with 2 different sections for innovative ideas

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/ejr
    Perfect Piano Loops WAV MiDi


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