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✅ Perfect Claps WAV

May 31st, 2018 ⚡
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    Perfect Claps WAV

    P2P | 31 May 2018 | 20.5 MB

    Perfect Claps. This is a drum library consisting of unique one-shots, each of which has been carefully crafted, tested for sounding in the mix and is ready for use. The high quality won’t leave you indifferent! Each one-shot from the collection sounds just like the ones in the tracks of top producers! Analogous drum machines, synthesizers, drum sets and percussion instruments were used for the creation of the library. Mono-microphones and stereo-pairs, which were used for recording some elements in stereo, add a sense of space and depth to the sound.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/F934
    Perfect Claps WAV



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