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    Orchestral Elements WAV

    Team AUDiOSTRiKE | 30 November 2013 | 116 MB

    Scratchy ensembles, lush orchestras, string sections, brass and more, featuring 210+ royalty-free phrases, solos and intros that will find use in hip hop, DnB, downtempo, classic and even house productions. Pre tape, pre vinyl, and pre gramophone, cylinders were the original recording medium created by Thomas Edison. This collection features a unique selection of orchestral elements. 212 clips are offered across 316MB of original material, broken into folders such as Brass, Harp, Intros, Outros, mixed Elements, Orchestral, Strings and Woodwinds. The demo showcases a small selection of clips.

    About the collection
    Over 5,500 cylinder recordings were reviewed during the making of this unique and original set of material. The Cylinders were transferred with a French-made Archeophone, using custom Shure styli from Expert Stylus in England.

    The audio was captured into the digital domain using a CEDAR ADA at 44.1KHz with a bit depth of 24 bits in Steinberg’s Wavelab software.

    Files were edited, normalized and processed using CEDAR’s Series X, Declicker, Decrackler, Dehisser, and Debuzzer units.

    The quality of the original cylinders varies widely, depending on the type, the condition and even the quality of the original recording.

    Orchestral Elements WAV-AUDIOSTRiKE


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