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  • Modern Techno 2 MULTiFORMAT

    Modern Techno 2 MULTiFORMAT

    FANTASTiC | Nov 13 2016 | 672 MB

    The second volume in its Modern Techno Series – Modern Techno 2. Featuring over 800MB of 24 bit samples, with 120 Drum Loops and 169 Music Loops including 50 Bass Loops, 40 Pad Loops, 79 Synth Loops, as well as 91 Drum Hits, 34 SFX, 22 Bass Hits, 34 Synth Stabs and also 59 Soft Sampler Patches for EXS24, NNXT, Halion and Kontakt.

    •24 Bit Quality
    •120 Drum Loops
    •50 Bass Loops
    •40 Pad Loops
    •79 Synth Loops
    •91 Drum Hits
    •34 SFX
    •22 Bass Hits
    •34 Synth Stabs
    •59 Soft Sampler Patches for EXS24, NNXT, Halion and Kontakt.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/4i28
    Modern Techno 2 MULTiFORMAT


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