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  • Melodic Six String Guitars Vol.1 MULTiFORMAT

    Melodic 6-Strings Guitars

    P2P | 09 May 2022 | 359.93 MB

    Melodic Six String Guitars. This collection was built to ensure the highest quality guitar parts are accessible for all, regardless of budget. The focus was purely on using the finest guitars, electric basses, microphones, recording techniques and processing to guarantee a host of instantly usable pop, disco, funk and rock sounds 100% royalty free. Within you’ll find 574 MB of content, featuring the sounds of the Gibson Les Paul custom 1976, Fender telecaster 1980, Fender Stratocaster 1983, Gibson hummingbird 2003 acoustic, Fender precision bass, Ibanez 5 string bass, Analogue FX, Watkins Copycat and Ibanez 401 Analogue FX Rack, tracked through the Urie 1176 compressor, Thermionic Culture Phoenix compressor and TL Audio all tube desk. What results is a diverse set of fantastic loops and one-shots in a whole host of keys and tempos, allowing for use in an abundance of styles and contexts!

    Loops included play between 60-142bpm, so they will work great within pop, rock, funk, ambient, downtempo, hip-hop and other live music genres.

    In detail, expect to find 574 MB of content, with all audio recorded at 24Bit & 44.1 kHz. 170 loops are divided up as 50 electric guitar riff loops, 30 electric bass riff loops, 30 electric guitar FX loops, 20 acoustic guitar chord loops, 15 electric guitar loops dry, 15 electric guitar loops wet and 10 electric guitar chord loops. 75 one-shots are divided into 26 acoustic guitar chords 26 electric guitar chords, 13 electric bass hits and 10 electric guitar FX hits. Also included are 170 Rex2 files and 15 soft sampler patches (for Halion, NNXT, EXS24, Kontakt and SFZ).

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/yb07g
    Melodic Six String Guitars Vol.1 MULTiFORMAT
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  1. #1 Magesy® User thehayman
    21 December 2022 / 15:44

    Thanks for another great post

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