L8-Night Vocal Samples Vol.1
P2P | Feb 9, 2012 | 91.8 MB
…: Spoken Vocals :…
Vocal Samples Volume 1 featuring a selection of words and phrases spoken by British Voice-Over Artist, Lesley Lafferty. This is a collection of spoken vocal samples in WAV format that can be used in styles from Electro, to Progressive House and Trance. All of these vocal samples are Royalty-Free and can be incorporated into your songs in any way you feel. These samples will add the perfect touch to your unfinished song to give them more fill. They are also great to work with and build your song around. All the samples are dry with NO FX, so you are free to be as creative as you want with them.
With over 740 samples to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect sample for your song! PLEASE NOTE: These samples are not melodic or sung samples – They are spoken word samples and should work in almost any key.
DiSCONTiNUED: https://mage.si/AKk91
L8-Night Vocal Samples Vol.1 WAV WAV
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