✅ Kantele KONTAKT

May 30th, 2022 ⚡
  • Kantele KONTAKT

    Kantele KONTAKT

    P2P | 1 May 2022 | 6.01GB

    “Finnish folk poetry recounts that the first kantele was made from the jaw bones of fish and the hair of young maidens. When the first kantele was played, the sound was so beautiful that all living things started to cry. Their tears rolled into the ocean, and when they touched the sea they turned into beautiful blue pearls.” The kantele is the national instrument of Finland, and it belongs to a large family of string instruments called “zithers“. Zithers have a resonating body with a variable number of strings, which can be plucked, strummed, struck, or bowed. In the case of the kantele, the strings are plucked or strummed and the smallest kanteles can be held in the player’s lap. There are kanteles of many sizes: 5-string, 10-string, 11-string, all the way up to the 36-string concert kantele, like the one we recorded.

    3 unique instruments
    Each instrument has a soul.
    This is why we sampled three instruments:
    – Concerto Kantele
    – Round-Ended Kantele
    – Small Kantele

    Creative Layers
    Add color and personality to your Kantele: with the “Layer” feature, you can add to the sound three instrument layers:

    3 Microphone Settings
    Don’t get distracted by thousand of knobs: the essential, the better. Customize your instrument and find your sound.

    Harmonics and Felt
    We recorded the harmonics of the Concerto Kantele. Is possible to trigger them by moving the modwheel (CC1) to the maximum value.

    Concerto Kantele
    Round-Ended Kantele
    Small Kantele
    •E. Guitar
    •A. Guitar
    39 Presets

    Technical Info
    •4 Dynamics, 2 Round Robin
    •2734 Samples, 6,00 GB
    •Requires Kontakt Full 5.5 or higher
    •Good internet connection higly recommended

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/52dUW
    Kantele KONTAKT
    ♪ Download ♪


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