✅ Just Chains WAV-FANTASTiC

October 5th, 2016 ⚡
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    Just Chains WAV

    FANTASTiC | 04 October 2016 | 1.29 GB

    As you’ve probably guessed from the title, this SFX library is all about metal chain sound effects. Various sizes of chains were pulled, dropped, shaken, rattled, whipped, hung, dangled and jingled. These sounds could come in handy for a wide range of purposes like morning star swings / whips, coin ringing, chain metal armor movements, hoists, addons for footstep movements and many more. So if you’re after any kind of metal chain sounds, this SFX library is one to get!

    Just Chains:
    •As the name says, here you will find a huge collection of metal chain sound effects. Different kinds and sizes of chains were hit, pulled, dropped, shaken, rattled, whipped and hung up and jingled. Some examples for the usage of those sounds are: morning star swings / whips, horror ambiences, Treasure chest digging, money bags, gold coins, any kind of metal chain movements, metal chain hoists, footsteps/movement add-ons (e.g. chain mails), and many more… These sounds also suite perfect as sound design elements for e.g. impact

    •No matter if it’s your Video-Game -or Movie-Project whenever there is a jingling metal chain sound needed … you’ll find it here

    SoundCloud Preview

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3f3p
    Just Chains WAV-FANTASTiC


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