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    Just Ambience Construction Sites WAV

    FANTASTiC | June 09 2017 | 3.3 GB

    Get a fine collection of composite german construction site ambiences. 144 minutes (5,04 GB) with all the hammering, sawing, digging, drilling, some yelling workers, squeaky crawling excavators and loud jack hammers. All edited, cleaned, mixed and packed with metadata. Some ambiences were tweaked to seamless loop from end to start. The ambiences were mostly recorded with a Sound Devices 744t and a Sound Devices Mix-PreD through a Beyerdynamic MC930 ORTF setup and RODE NTG-4 microphone. All sounds were recorded over weeks at several different construction site around Stuttgart / Germany. From very small sites recorded close up to huge construction sites with lots different typical working sounds.

    Number of files: 56 files
    Total Runtime: 144 Minutes
    Quality: 96Khz /24bit, embedded BWF Metadata
    Total Size: 5,04 GB

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/n9De
    Just Ambience Construction Sites WAV


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