Junk Percussion
TEAM ASSIGN | 21 NOVEMBER 2010 | 409.84 MB
To the percussionist the world is a different place. Everything can be used to make a sound, and renowned percussionist Roger Turner has the vision to play instruments and objects from the everyday and throwaway, creating exciting sound and rhythm. This highly respected junkyard shamen has played a superb collage of rhythms, textures & fills which will inspire and prove invaluable in all areas of music production. “If you are one of those people who wants odd sounds….you’ll find plenty of sonic interest here… quite exceptional stuff”
“Junk Percussion has original and useful material by the bucketload. In addition to the sounds themselves, it’s the atmospherics of the material which so impresses. Off the wall they might be, but the rightful place for a great many of these samples is most definitely in the mix. This is a collection you’ll find yourself returning to again and again.”
– THE MIX magazine, UKINFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/KRvNv
ZG Junk Percussion ACiD WAV-ASSiGN
https://beelink.pro/24580/ZG-Junk-Percussion-ACiD-WAV-ASSiGN/Related Post: