• Homegrown 800 Multiformat Dynamics Magesy

    Homegrown 800 MULTiFORMAT

    Team DYNAMiCS | July 2009 | 367.15 MB


    This Sample CD is a beautiful collection of stunning resonant textures and dreamy atmospheric pads, HOMEGROWN 800 provides inspirational source material for the creation of evocative soundscapes, classy Chill-Out grooves, and funky intelligent dance music. Indeed, the depth and quality of sounds on this sample CD evoke many musical reference points, including The Orb, Brian Eno, David Sylvian and Air. As used by The Electro-Acoustic Ensemble.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/5yzmv
    Homegrown 800 MULTiFORMAT
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  1. #1 Magesy® User noelleaod
    29 October 2023 / 21:22

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  2. #2 Magesy® User MaGeSY®
    31 October 2023 / 0:26

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