Herbivorous Mammal Sounds
TEAM DjYOPMiX | 24.06.2020 | 148.4 MB
Total Length: 36:28
- 001 Single Short Beaver Calls Take 1 00:07
- 002 Single Short Beaver Calls Take 2 00:07
- 003 Single Short Beaver Calls Take 3 00:07
- 004 Boar Lets out a Single Snort or Snarl 00:07
- 005 Boar Lets out a Single Short Snarl or Hiss 00:07
- 006 Boar Lets out a Single Vocal Snort 00:07
- 007 Boar Lets out Multiple Grunts with Movement Sounds 00:15
- 008 Wild Board Lets out Multiple Strained Grunts with Insects in Background 00:19
- 009 Wild Board Lets out Multiple Vocal Grunts 00:21
- 010 Wild Board Lets out Multiple Nasal Growls with Insects in Background 00:22
- 011 Wild Board Lets out Multiple Grunts with Insects in Background 00:25
- 012 Buffalo Lets out a Single Short Snort 00:06
- 013 Group of Buffalo Grazing with Grunts and Snorts 00:59
- 014 Camel Makes a Mating Call by Gargling in Throat Take 1 00:06
- 015 Camel Makes a Mating Call by Gargling in Throat Take 2 00:06
- 016 Camel Makes a Mating Call by Gargling in Throat Take 3 00:08
- 017 Camel Makes a Single Short Groan Take 1 00:10
- 018 Camel Makes a Single Short Groan Take 2 00:10
- 019 Camel Makes a Single Short Vocal Groan Take 1 00:09
- 020 Camel Makes a Single Short Vocal Groan Take 2 00:09
- 021 Camel Makes a Single Short Vocal Groan with Lip Smack Take 1 00:08
- 022 Camel Makes a Single Short Vocal Groan with Lip Smack Take 2 00:08
- 023 Camel Makes a Single Short Throaty Groan Take 1 00:08
- 024 Camel Makes a Single Short Throaty Groan Take 2 00:09
- 025 Camel Makes a Single Short Throaty Groan Take 3 00:09
- 026 Camel Makes a Single Short Throaty Groan Take 4 00:09
- 027 Camel Makes a Single Short Groan with Breath 00:10
- 028 Camel Makes a Single Throaty Groan Take 1 00:09
- 029 Camel Makes a Single Throaty Groan Take 2 00:08
- 030 Camel Makes a Single Throaty Groan Take 3 00:09
- 031 Cow Makes a Single Moo or Bellow 00:09
- 032 Cow Makes a Single Large Bellow 00:08
- 033 Cow Makes a Single Large Short Bellow Take 1 00:07
- 034 Cow Makes a Single Large Short Bellow Take 2 00:07
- 035 Cow Makes a Single Large Bellow with Breath 00:10
- 036 Farm Cow Makes a Single Large Moo Bellow Take 1 00:07
- 037 Farm Cow Makes a Single Large Moo Bellow Take 2 00:07
- 038 Farm Cow Makes a Single Large Moo Bellow Take 3 00:07
- 039 Farm Cow Makes a Single Large Moo Bellow Take 4 00:07
- 040 Cow Lets out a Short Bellow 00:07
- 041 Cow Makes a Single Low Moo Bellow 00:08
- 042 Group of Cows Bellow or Moo Together 00:07
- 043 Single Short Angry Bellow from a Cow 00:07
- 044 Single 5 Day Old Calf Bellows 00:07
- 045 Cow Lets out a Single Large, Ominous Bellow 00:07
- 046 Cow Lest out Multiple High-Pitched Pained Bellows 00:13
- 047 Cow Makes Multiple High-Pitched Bellows 00:13
- 048 Cow Calls out in Pain 00:19
- 049 Cow Lets out a Single Bellow 00:08
- 050 Cow Makes Multiple Bellows with Bull Bellows in Background 00:12
- 051 Group of Cows Bellow in Distress, With Bull Urinating in Background 00:37
- 052 Group of Cows Moo with Birds in Background 00:47
- 053 Group of Cows Moo with Leaf Movement and Birds in Background Take 1 00:58
- 054 Group of Cows Moo with Leaf Movement and Birds in Background Take 2 01:11
- 055 High-Pitched Steady Chipmunk Chatter Take 1 00:27
- 056 High-Pitched Steady Chipmunk Chatter Take 2 00:28
- 057 Donkey or Mule Lets out a Single Bray with Snort Take 1 00:09
- 058 Donkey or Mule Lets out a Single Bray with Snort Take 2 00:09
- 059 Donkey or Mule Lets out a Bray with Whiney Breath Inhales Take 1 00:10
- 060 Donkey or Mule Lets out a Bray with Whiney Breath Inhales Take 2 00:10
- 061 Donkey or Mule Snorts Once 00:06
- 062 Donkey or Mule Lets out Multiple Brays 00:20
- 063 Elephant Trumpets Once 00:07
- 064 Single Elephant Trumpet with Growl 00:08
- 065 Short Elephant Trumpet Call 00:07
- 066 Elephant Makes a Single Short Trumpet Blow 00:08
- 067 Baby Elephant Trumpets 00:09
- 068 Baby Elephant Trumpets with Adult Growl in Background 00:08
- 069 Baby Elephant Trumpets Angrily, With Chain Movement and Adult Growls in Background 00:09
- 070 Elephant Trumpets Multiple Times 00:10
- 071 Elephant Lets out a Breathy Trumpet 00:08
- 072 Elephant Lets out a Single Short Trumpet Take 1 00:07
- 073 Elephant Lets out a Single Short Trumpet Take 2 00:07
- 074 Single Classic Elephant Trumpet Take 1 00:07
- 075 Single Classic Elephant Trumpet Take 2 00:06
- 076 Single Classic Elephant Trumpet Take 3 00:06
- 077 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 1 00:07
- 078 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 2 00:05
- 079 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 3 00:10
- 080 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 4 00:09
- 081 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 5 00:06
- 082 Single Deep Elephant Growl Take 6 00:06
- 083 Elephant Trumpet with Long, Deep Growl 00:09
- 084 Elephant Trumpet with Deep Growl Take 1 00:06
- 085 Elephant Trumpet with Deep Growl Take 2 00:08
- 086 Elephant Trumpet with Deep Growl Take 3 00:07
- 087 Elephant Trumpet with Deep Growl Take 4 00:11
- 088 Single Short Elephant Growl 00:06
- 089 Single Short Vocal Growl from an Elephant 00:07
- 090 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 1 00:07
- 091 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 2 00:07
- 092 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 3 00:07
- 093 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 4 00:07
- 094 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 5 00:07
- 095 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 6 00:07
- 096 Single Short Goat Bleat Take 7 00:07
- 097 Goat Lets out Multiple Bleats or Vocalizations Take 1 00:14
- 098 Goat Lets out Multiple Bleats or Vocalizations Take 2 00:12
- 099 Goat Lets out Multiple Bleats or Vocalizations Take 3 00:18
- 100 Goat Lets out Multiple Bleats or Vocalizations Take 4 00:33
- 101 Goat Lets out Multiple Strained Bleats 00:11
- 102 Goat Lets out Multiple Bleats with Movement and Goat Urinating in Background 00:18
- 103 Distressed Goat Bleats or Yells Multiple Times 00:50
- 104 Two Guinea Pigs Squeak Steadily, With Grassy Movement and Clinks in Background 00:17
- 105 Two Guinea Pigs Squeaking with Grassy Movement and Background Clinks 00:14
- 106 Hippopotamus Roar with Several Grunts 00:10
- 107 Hippopotamus Roar with Grunts, Breaths and Crickets in Background 00:10
- 108 Hippopotamus Roar with Grunts and Breaths 00:13
- 109 Single Horse Whinny or Grunt 00:07
- 110 Group of Horses Whinny with Hoof Movement in Background 00:19
- 111 Two Llamas Call Back and Forth 00:11
- 112 Llama Makes Multiple Gags with Snort and High-Pitched Screech 00:43
- 113 Single Moose Grunt Take 1 00:07
- 114 Single Moose Grunt Take 2 00:05
- 115 Multiple Moose Grunts 00:05
- 116 Several Moose Grunts 00:08
- 117 Single Mule Deer Grunt or Snarl with Breaths Take 1 00:10
- 118 Single Mule Deer Grunt or Snarl with Breaths Take 2 00:09
- 119 Single Mule Deer Grunt or Snarl with Breaths Take 3 00:10
- 120 Single Panda Bleat Take 1 00:07
- 121 Single Panda Bleat Take 2 00:07
- 122 Single Panda Bleat Take 3 00:07
- 123 Single Panda Bleat Take 4 00:06
- 124 Multiple Panda Bleats Take 1 00:07
- 125 Multiple Panda Bleats Take 2 00:06
- 126 Panda Calls out One Time 00:07
- 127 Panda Lets out Multiple Bleats with Breaths and Eating Sounds 00:49
- 128 Panda Cub Does Multiple Bleats with Breaths Take 1 00:25
- 129 Panda Cub Does Multiple Bleats with Breaths Take 2 00:46
- 130 Panda Moans, Growls and Bleats with Cub Bleats in Background 00:49
- 131 Two Pandas Bark and Growl 00:17
- 132 Single Panda Bellow 00:07
- 133 Single Panda Grunt 00:07
- 134 Steady Panda Eating Sounds with Breaths and Leaf Movement 01:07
- 135 Single High-Pitched Pig Squeal 00:06
- 136 Multiple High-Pitched Pig Squeals Take 1 00:09
- 137 Multiple High-Pitched Pig Squeals Take 2 00:11
- 138 Multiple High-Pitched Piglet Squeals 00:12
- 139 Multiple High-Pitched Squeals from an Adult Pig Take 1 00:13
- 140 Multiple High-Pitched Squeals from an Adult Pig Take 2 00:34
- 141 Two Pigs Grunt Multiple Times 00:09
- 142 Pig Makes Multiple Grunts While Eating from a Metal Pail 00:55
- 143 Pig Makes Multiple High-Pitched Squeals and Steady Eating Sounds 01:30
- 144 Rhinoceros Snorts While Eating 00:38
- 145 Single Sheep Bleat 00:07
- 146 Group of Sheep Bleat with Grassy Movement in Background Take 1 00:34
- 147 Group of Sheep Bleat with Grassy Movement in Background Take 2 00:34
- 148 Squirrel Chirps Multiple Times 00:10
- 149 Multiple Steady Squirrel Chirps with Faint Birds in Background 00:32
- 150 Single Call from a Wapiti Elk with Distant Echo Take 1 00:05
- 151 Single Call from a Wapiti Elk with Distant Echo Take 2 00:05
- 152 Single Call from a Wapiti Elk with Distant Echo Take 3 00:10
- 153 Single Call from a Wapiti Elk with Distant Echo Take 4 00:09
- 154 Single Call from a Wapiti Elk with Distant Echo Take 5 00:10
- 155 Wapiti Elk Call Brays 00:06
- 156 Wapiti Elk Call Makes a Single High Scream Take 1 00:09
- 157 Wapiti Elk Call Makes a Single High Scream Take 2 00:07
- 158 Wapiti Elk Call Makes a Single High Scream Take 3 00:07
- 159 Wapiti Elk Call Makes a Single High Scream Take 4 00:07
- 160 Zebra Brays Multiple Times Take 1 00:07
- 161 Zebra Brays Multiple Times Take 2 00:07
- 162 Zebra Brays Multiple Times Take 3 00:10
Herbivorous Mammal Sounds FLAC
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