HARD Pack Vol.1
P2P | 04.02.2017| 707.02 MB
WAV Soundbanks for MASSiVE and SPiRE
HARD proudly presents its royalty-free production tool kit and sound bank series. Taken directly from the studios of the hottest brand in HDM, the HARD PACK delivers you over 1.5GB of fresh sounds and content. Inspired by the music of ANDY WHITBY, AUDOX, TECHNIKAL, KLUBFILLER, GAMMER, ENERGY SYNDICATE, KARLSTON KHAOS, MAX MOZART, CUT-UP and more – All content produced exclusively for this sample pack and sound bank series!
– MASSIVE Bass Soundbank
– SPIRE Lead Soundbank-8 x Full track construction kits
-55 x Vocal one-shots
-53 x Vocals (1, 2 & 4 bar)
-42 x Percussion loops
-31 x Percussion hits
-25 x Bass loop (side-chained)
-25 x Bass loops (normal)
-25 x Bass midi patterns
-25 x Riff loops (normal)
-25 x Riff loops (side-chained)
-25 x Riff midi patterns
-20 x Closed hats
-20 x Kicks
-20 x Open hats
-12 x Special Sounds
-11 x FX
-10 x Crashes
-10 x Rides
-10 x Snares
-5 x ClapsINFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3gab
HARD Pack Vol.1 WAV Soundbanks for MASSiVE and SPiRE
https://beelink.pro/31066/HARD-Pack-Vol.1-WAV-MASSiVE-SPiRE.htmlRelated Post: