✅ Guns WAV

April 2nd, 2018 ⚡
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    Guns WAV

    Team MAGNETRiXX | 08 January 2014 | 383 MB

    Highly professional sound team and gun experts these 11 weapons are perfectly recorded with various microphone distances.The semi-automatic and machine guns are provided in a variety of length and speed of single shots and repetition bursts. The collection focuses on a clean and unedited sound effects pool to give the end user the most flexibility to master and manipulate the sound effects as possible. Besides this, “GUNS SFX” offers a ‘processed’-folder with gun shots sound effects that are edited, manipulated and mastered for quick ‘drag-and-drop’ features that’ll ask no audio mastering skills of the user what so ever. All sound effects are recorded in the highest possible wave format (24 bit , 96kHz & 48kHz) for maximum quality control. Samplesourcer has established a name in user-friendly, very affordable, high quality audio and unique original sound eff ects. We push the limit to capture the depths of hand and machine gun with a wide selection of easy to use sound effects.


    What’s in this volume:
    Core samples: 11 weapons (hand guns & semi-automatic/machine guns) one folder “Clean” (unedited) and a folder “Processed”

    • LWRC PSD full auto machine gun (6.8 cal)
    • AK74 full auto machine gun (5.56 cal)
    • Winchester 1200 pump shotgun (12 gauge cal)
    • AK47 semi-auto rifle (7.62 cal)
    • Colt AR-15 semi-auto rifle (223 cal)
    • Stevens 15b single shot bolt action rifle (.22 cal)
    • Smith & Wesson 357 revolver (357 cal)
    • Glock 22 semi-auto pistol (.40 cal)
    • Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight revolver (.38 cal)
    • Kel Tec P3AT semi-auto pistol (.380 cal)
    • Taurus PT92A (.127cal)
    • Guns Foley: Locking, magazine insert, bolt pulls, folding, releasing, dry fires, hammer pulls, cylinder opening, etc
    • 437 original sound effects
    • two versions: 48kHz and 96kHz available in this archive
    • 752 MB content (556MB zipped)


    – All files in 96kHz & 48kHz , 24 Bit wave format.

    SoundCloud Preview

    Guns WAV


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