  • Godz Fury Dr. Dre Drum Kit Wav 24bit 48khz Magesy

    Dr Dre Drum Kit WAV 24BiT 48Khz

    Intrinsic | 12.03.2015 | 25 MB

    The Making of the Dr Dre Drum Kit

    Hundreds of samples were recorded from vinyl into Pro Tools 8/Digidesign 002 Rack using no processing. I then chopped the break into individual drums hits using Sony Sound Forge wave editor, then A SELECT FEW were sent to a second work station and resampled back into Pro Tools but this time running those single drum hits through analog gear such as the Ensoniq ASR 10, Vestax Mixer, Electrix EQ Killer, and the Electrix Filter Factory. This additional processing added another dimension to the drum samples.

    The Dr Dre Drum Kit contains 60 Kicks, 60 Snares, 60 Hi Hats, 13 Open Hi Hats, 13 Claps, 20 Layered Claps, 10 Shakers, 7 Tambourines, 8 Rides, 5 Crashes, and 8 Rim Shots. That’s a total of 270 single hit drum samples.

    What You Get:
    – 270 original one shot samples never heard before
    – Royalty free samples.
    – Samples in standard .wav files
    – Recorded in 24 bit-48kHz
    – Gear used: Ensoniq ASR 10 which was the nucleus of the recording and sound processing process.

    All drum samples come in standard .wav file and are compatible with all official music software programs such as Pro Tools, Reason, Logic, Ableton, Native Instruments Maschine, FL Studio etc…

    GODZ FURY Dr. Dre Drum Kit WAV 24BiT 48Khz
    ♪ Download ♪


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