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    Glitches & Grains WAV

    Team DECiBEL | 07 Mar 2018 | 106.6 MB

    How weird are you trying to get with your productions? Because, *WARNING* This pack is not for “normies”. This pack is absolute audio-processing porn. Ever wanted to sound like the glitch kings? Welp, over the top processing is basically how they’re doing it! I’ve saved you the hours of resampling so you can get back to the important stuff – writing the music you want to write! Spanning over 169, 24-bit, 44.1 kHz files totaling 157MB, this pack comes with sounds such that can be no more accurately titled things such as “Pacman Does Drugs For The First Time Gone Wrong.wav”.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/26DV
    Glitches and Grains WAV-DECiBEL


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