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    Fragments 02 MULTiFORMAT

    AUDIOSTRiKE | 14/08/2015 | 560 MB

    Second stunning sample collection of Fragments featuring a fresh reboot of atmospheric Loops and One Shot samples perfect for all electronic styles of music including Ambient, Soundtrack, Drum & Bass, Downtempo, IDM and Electronica. Fragments 02 take a futuristic journey of deep and dark sound experiments featuring Atmospheres (long evolving loops), Drum Elements (one shot percussion sounds), Heavily Processed Rhythmic Loops and a folder of Unique Audio Interferences that will add sonic depth to your music productions. In detail you can expect to find 729Mb of 24Bit 44.1Khz Loops and sounds including 43 Drum Loops, 10 Snaps, 21 Kicks, 44 Coil Sounds, 41 Atmospheres, 28 Interferences, 47 Rex2 Files and 128 ready to play patches for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz formats.

    24Bit 44.1 kHz
    43 Drum Loops
    44 Coil Sounds
    28 Interferences
    128 Soft Sampler Patches
    10 Snaps, 21 Kicks
    41 Atmospheres
    47 Rex2 Files

    Password: AUDIOSTRiKE

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/389h


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