✅ Fairlight KONTAKT

August 6th, 2016 ⚡
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    Fairlight KONTAKT

    P2P | 06.08.2016 | 1.06 GB

    It all came from requests of creating a Kontakt version of our popular Reason-based Fairlight soundbanks. Underneath the patch programming there are WAVs and AIFFs and those work excellently in Kontakt as well, so what had to be ‘translated’ was the patch programming. After the conversion process was done, all 850 patches have been carefully checked and re-edited if not working properly, and re-saved. Some patches have been utilizing Kontakt’s eminent FX units to give you instant ideas of how to use the sounds; others have been left “dry” and you can then process them as you wish. What you should do when using these sounds is to experiment and tweak and save your own edits (preferably in a new catalogue and using your own patch names). If you come up with creative ideas you can also provide your patches to us and we can include them in the library as your signature patches – just like we’ve done in the Reason soundbanks.

    Monolith files – no fuzz
    You don’t have to worry about where to place files etc. Just place them wherever you want on your personal harddrive/s and start making music with them instantly. Basically all sounds are derived from Fairlight CMI IIx as well as much more from our entirely unique collection. With extra editing on top. Ready to load and play instantly (.NKI format).

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3eet
    Fairlight KONTAKT



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