Intrinsic | 03-26-2015 | 11 GB
239 NKI FILES (included every patch of Ensoniq TS12)
The Ensoniq TS-12 was a synthesizer (music workstation) with 76 weighted keys, introduced by Ensoniq in 1993. This wonderful musical instrument shocked the world in his time. And until now Ensoniq TS10 and Ensoniq TS12 is quite in demand. Now norCtrack give you the opportunity to have a sounds of Ensoniq TS12, and use it on your computer in format Kontakt NKI to create your music and enjoy with great vintage sounds. In this sounds collection included all sounds of Ensoniq TS-12 + BONUS 41 preset sounds. Ensoniq TS12 NKI has nice NI Kontakt GUI and Kontakt Scripts.Ensoniq TS12 NKI sounds are of high quality 44.100 Hz and 24 bit. Sampled with velocity as real keyboard. Аll sounds has 76 keyboard range. Looped all long sounds. Enjoy with Ensoniq TS12 NKI.
Year of release: 2013
Compatibility: PC OS Windows & Mac
SOFTWARE requirements: Kontakt 4.1 or high versions
Language of the interface: English
Size: 11Gb (ON 3 DVD DISCS)
Format & Quality: Kontakt Instrument – NKI /stereo/44.100Hz; 24 Bit (high Quality sounds)
239 NKI FILES (included every patch of Ensoniq TS12)Included ALL SOUNDS of ENSONIQ TS-12 + Bonus Presets in format NKI
– NEW NICE Interface for Kontakt Player (Kontakt GUI)
– Velocity real / Multisample
– Looped (long sounds)
– Effects (reverb , deley, Chorus and more…)
– Equalizer
– Attack, Realnse, Sustain
– WahWah
– ARPEGGIATORINFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/t9Qj
https://beelink.pro/21147/ENSONiQ-TS-12-KONTAKT.htmlRelated Post: