  • Emergence Sample Pack

    STRiKE | 01.02.2020 | 325 MB

    With ‘Emergence’, Lakker has provided an essential library for anyone creating electronic music or simply looking to experiment. From detailed, heavily designed rhythmical textures and synth melodies to ‘building block’ content including eclectic drum hits and synth one-shots, ‘Emergence’ contains an incredible amount of variation both in sonic character and musicality. From inspiring melodic synth lines to abstract, atonal sounds and plenty in between, there’s something in here for everyone. All sound sources were organically recorded and digitally synthesised. You’ll find content from across the spectrum of electronic and club music, making the pack varied and diverse. Lakker designed the library with detailed loops in mind, but with enough space in the sounds that they can be edited and manipulated very easily to create your own sounds and versions, whilst being full and interesting enough to use them as-is, straight out of the pack.

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    Emergence Sample Pack WAV


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