✅ EK470 Mark II KONTAKT-0TH3Rside

September 12th, 2016 ⚡
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    EK470 Mark II KONTAKT

    0TH3Rside | 12.09.2016 | 78.6 MB

    The EK470 mark2 is a lucky bag. Although its sound source is a low-cost, garbage toy keyboard for just 25 EUR, all the sounds are incredibly warm and charming. You can lose yourself just playing along with the analog sounds, being inspired by its character and possibilities. Beside that, the graphical interface is also worth mentioned which make you turn knobs and switch buttons. Content: The structure of EK470 mark2 is based on 2 simultaneous sound slots, each can be feeded with every of the 24 sounds and has separate volume and pan knob. Beside that, the first slot provides an additional -12 to 12 semitones pitch knob. We selected the best 24 sound patches out of 99 available patches the original keyboard provides. We recorded every third minor note, looped the sound and processed it if needed.

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    In order to shape the final sound, EK470 mark2 provides plenty of sound options. There are available:
    – 3 EQ´s called „RADIO”, „A.FLT” and „HIFI”
    – rotary- , cabinet- and distortion-fx
    – reverb and delay
    – finally 2 different volume envelopes, calles „PAD” and „SQR”.


    The range of the sounds is C1-F5. In addition to this you will find the original drum sounds – individually recorded – an octave lower, which means C0 to B0. EK470 mark2 also provides 13 tempo-synced audio beats made of these drum sounds, which can be played by a separate button and with a separate volume knob. EK470 mark2 provides 19 programmed presets which are covering a range of pianos, pads, organs and fx-sounds and you can save or load your own patches.

    A very special options is the „RND” function, which sets all(!) parameter and sound selections by random. This is pure fun and amazing to see what comes out in the end.
    * One complex Kontakt patch with 24 single sounds available twice (2 sound slots) and 18 patches.
    * Kontakt 4.22 full version is required.
    * Bonus you get previous instrument version “Super Sound EK 470” !

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3evp
    EK470 Mark II KONTAKT-0TH3Rside


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