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  • Djembe Madness WAV ALETON LiVE REFiLL_1

    Djembe Madness

    FANTASTiC | July 03 2016 | 223.18 MB

    .: WAV, ALETON LiVE, REFiLL :.

    Djembe Madness is a collection of 60 different Djembe loops recorded at 128 BPM. All loops are quantized so they will perfectly fit along with your “four on the floor” rhythm. Add some exciting new loops to your tracks today: perfect for EDM genres including Big Room, Future House, Deep house, Trance & Progressive and much more! This download comes in 3 formats, standard WAV, REX & Reason Refill (requires Reason 5 or higher) and Ableton Live 9 Pack

    Production Tip: Add a touch of reverb to these Djembe loops, this will make them sound more open and natural, using the reverbs and FX already in your production will help ‘gel’ the loops into your tune.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/ty9g
    Djembe Madness WAV ALETON LiVE REFiLL


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