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    Diablo House Revolution MULTiFORMAT

    FANTASTiC | 04 October 2016 | 1.37 GB

    Ultimate Diablo House Revolution. This Genre was born in 2016 with the unbelievable success of Don Diablo! Now this genre is in the minds of thousands of producers and in the hearts of millions of listeners all over the world! In detail expect to find 1.66 Gb including 400 Smashing One Shots, 50 Diablo House Styled Bass Loops, 50 Don Diablo & Friends Inspired Melody Loops, 50 Twisted Voice Loops and Cuts, 50 Drum Fills, 100 Drum Loops (50 Full, 50 Top), 100 Sound FX, 100 Midi Files, 50 Old School Drum Loops, 350 Rex2 Files, 6 Multi Kits (about this new amazing feature more info below!!! 48 Loops + Ableton Live Kit 8.2+), 15 Sampler Patches, 20 VST Synth Presets (20 NI Massive,) + Promo & Folder and Unlimited Inspiration!

    •24 Bit Quality
    •50 Bass Loops
    •50 Melody Loops
    •50 Voice Loops and Cuts
    •50 Drum Fills
    •100 Drum Loops (50 Full, 50 Top)
    •100 Sound FX
    •100 Midi Files
    •50 Old School Drum Loops
    •350 Rex2 Files
    •6 Multi Kits
    •15 Sampler Patches for NNXT, Kontakt2+ & EXS24
    •20 VST Synth Presets (20 NI Massive)

    INFO/DEMO: http://bit.ly/2dpojpx
    Diablo House Revolution MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC


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