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    Diablo House ABLETON 9.6.2+

    FANTASTiC | 25 May 2017 | 85 MB

    Diablo House – A brand new collection of authentic production kits for both Maschine and Ableton Live. Influenced by one of the top producers of 2016 – Don Diablo.  Takes the genre to new levels with an incredible line up of custom kits expertly created to provide you with only the best sounds and grooves available. This new pack contains all of that authentic vibe and quality that our users have grown accustomed to. We take a no compromise approach when it comes to sound design – using only the best hardware and software sources and combining them in the host software to create something that has a long lasting appeal that will keep you coming back time and time again.

    Ableton 9.6.2+:
    •15 projects
    •15 Drum Racks
    •240 24/44.1 Samples

    INFO/DEMO: http://bit.ly/2r06YKH
    Diablo House ABLETON 9.6.2+


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