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✅ Deep and Beach House WAV

October 24th, 2013 ⚡
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    Deep and Beach House WAV

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 24 October 2013 | 97.9 MB

    Deep&Beach House, an effective tool for song construction. Real songs ready to be arranged, structured and deconstructed easily in many different ways, this is the sound bank you have been waiting for… Three fresh new kits presented to start a song from scratch or refine advanced productions. Focused on Deep House production in its daytime version, these sounds are perfect to recreate or evoke the beach and pre-night party feelings. Each kit contains the loops (around 15 each kit) to form the rhythm, melodic parts, the voices and effects. Furthermore, in the case of the rhythms and effects, individual sounds are available.

    Instruments and voices have been recorded and produced especially for this sound pack. Musically inspired and inspiring sound with the warmth of analog and digital sound accuracy, the entire sound material of the Deep&Beach House content is profitable. You will not find irrelevant sound material.


    • • 138 MB of fully configurable Wav loops & One Shots.
    • • LOOPS: 18 Drum Loops, 21 Sound Loops, 3 Bass Loops, 15 Vocal Loops (Dry/wet included)
    • • SINGLE HITS: 13 Fx Shots, 8 Clap/Snare,11 Hihats, 6 Kicks, 10 Percussion Sounds.
    • • TOTAL CONTENT: 57 Loops, 48 Single Hits.

    * Other Genres that this package may be useful in:

    • • Disco / Nu-Disco
    • • Vocal

    INFO: http://redi.se/bgm
    Deep and Beach House WAV


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