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    Dark Creature Sounds WAV

    Team DECiBEL | 11 Nov 2019 | 96kHz: 183.9 MB | 192kHz: 352.9 MB

    The scary and creepy creature sounds you`ve been looking for your projects. Dark Creatures is a creature sound effects library created following the highest standard to provide the maximum quality. The perfect sounds for your game, film or media project. Includes a variety of roars, groans, hisses, grunts, warning, screeches, throat, breaths, hurt and death sounds from monsters, golems, zombies, dragons, dinosaurs, devils, cyborgs, mutants and other world creatures. Ready to use and royalty free sounds provided on Stereo, Mono and Mp3 for your convenience.

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/zY8v
    Dark Creature Sounds WAV-DECiBEL


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