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  • Commercial Hip Hop Vol.4 WAV-DECiBEL

    Commercial Hip Hop Vol.4

    Team DECiBEL | 23 Sep 2019 | 466.6 MB

    ‘Commercial Hip Hop Vol 4’ marks the much-anticipated return. Combining Lo-Fi Hip Hop elements with stuttered synths, vocal fragments, and soaring strings, these Kits are designed to help you garner placements and make your mark. Songwriters and rappers will find the downtempo Kits super user-friendly to write over due to their melodic piano and strings intros. But we’ve also thrown in a few club-orientated Trap beats to help you spark your creativity and blur genre boundaries. Each Kit from the demo is tracked out into loop sections. Please note, MIDI files are not available though, due to the use of hardware synths.

    • 5 Construction Kits
    • 129 Individual Files
    • ACIDized WAV Files

    INFO/DEMO/BUY: http://mage.si/Fcze
    Commercial Hip Hop Vol.4 WAV-DECiBEL


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