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✅ cLiCkS fOr KiCkS WAV

March 3rd, 2017 ⚡
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    cLiCkS fOr KiCkS WAV

    FANTASTiC | March 02 2017 | 12.9 MB

    150+ Click samples for your Kick drums. Often we mistake focusing all of our attention on the low-end impact of our kick and bass, while at times most of the vibe and groove in the kick really comes from the snap. For this reason we decided to create a pack solely focused on the illusive element 9 times out of 10 is all your kick really needed. Clicks for Kicks is a simple concept which many get wrong, with this collection you will need to look no further just grab one of the many tones on display here layer it up with your kick, compress for a bit of glueing and be blown away how this subtle difference can change everything in your mix by cutting though creating consistency, punch, depth, and groove.

    Kick Drums – 155 thumping low-end with cracking mids & highs kick drum hits.
    – *This sample pack only contains Click drum hits, the low-end kick, synth sound, and tops in the audio demo are from our sample pack Rough House.

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3gky
    cLiCkS fOr KiCkS WAV


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