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    CineOrch KONTAKT

    TEAM AudioP2P | 12-26-2010 | 624 MB

    CineOrch is an orchestral mockup enhancer for the professional composer. We hired a world-class 70 piece orchestra in a gorgeous space and sampled an enormous variety of chords, in major, minor, augmented and in a variety of inversions and articulations across the spectrum. In addition, we grabbed full orchestral tutti octaves, and lush low muted warm chords.

    Why record octaves and chords instead of the standard way of sampling? Short answer: We think it offers an option that is much quicker to compose with, while yielding remarkably realistic results. Long answer: One of the main things that makes a mockup sound fake is the layered sample number. For example, if you have a string patch that has 40 strings playing and you play a 5 note chord, that’s the equivalent to the sound of 200 strings. Not exactly your typical string section. To avoid this, you either need an intelligent scripting that splits up the notes of the chord into their respective sections, or record a large variety of chordal possibilities and trigger them with single keys, thereby maintaining the natural instrument numbers and orchestral balance and panning.


    We chose the latter, and the result is a composer’s orchestral library supplement that fills a niche.

    • • Tutti Octaves (RR stacc, sustains, p to ff dynamics. Three, Four, and Five octave orchestral voicings.)
    • • Tutti Chords (RR stacc, sustains, p to ff dynamics, majors, minors, augmented, each in 3 inversions)
    • • Low Chords (4 chord types: majors with root bass, minors with root bass, majors with third bass, minors with third bass. p to ff dyn)
    • • Adjustable mapping for all patches
    • • Attack tightening knob (super useful)
    • • “Sloppy RR” button. For randomly throwing in bad takes (for added realism, very effective)


    INFO/DEMO/BUY: https://mage.si/7geL
    CineOrch KONTAKT-AudioP2P


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