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    Keys Vol.1 Avatar Rhodes KONTAKT EXS24

    P2P | 1 August 2011 | 516.11 MB

    Imagine playing the same Fender Rhodes that was used on legendary recordings from the 1970’s! Artists like Chic, Peter Fampton, Tony Bennett and hundreds more used this vintage keyboard. J Chris Griffin’s library of Rhodes samples includes an MK11 and a Stereo Suitcase. Chris went into the world-renowned Avatar Studios (formerly Power Station) for several days and sampled their Rhodes, using similar signal paths to the recordings done over 30 years ago. The speakers were mic’d with Neuman U-87 and U-47 FET microphones, running through Neve 1073 pre’s and finally through Apogee converters on the way into Pro Tools®. The room mics were Coles 4038’s run through Pultecs and Apogee converters before Pro Tools®. The DI was an Avalon D5. Chris meticulously hyper-sampled this popular vintage keyboard at different velocities and went through the tedious process of setting up instrument patches for the EXS 24, Kontakt. Chris offers separate DI, Amp and Room samples, giving users the ability to blend the samples to their liking.

    Chris Griffin Keys Vol. 1 Avatar Rhodes KONTAKT EXS24


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