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    Chant Tool Odd Vocal Samples KONTAKT

    TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 31 March 2014 | 223 MB

    Chant Tool, is the ODD answer to a choir library. But instead of singing, this library contains lots of different nonsense syllabeles, shouts, whispers and some bonus stuff like claps, stomps and snaps. In other words, this is for you who want to add some unique vocal stuff to your track. This is my first ambitous sample project, originally meant to be used by me alone for a personal project, but since I thought there maybe were some fellow composers out there, which might been interested in something similar. Includes 24 .nki files with different content that you can play around with. Please ensure you have the complete and latest version of Kontakt 5 (not the free player)

    INFO: http://redi.se/e2q
    Chant Tool Odd Vocal Samples KONTAKT


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