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    Brass Elementz Vol.2 MULTiFORMAT

    TEAM SPiRiT | 06.02.2010 | 202.55 MB

    Refills, Battery, EXS24, Kontakt, Halion, NN-XT, WAV, Acid, Fruity, Soundfonts

    Propelling hip hop production into the future, ModernBeats delivers its groundbreaking sound collection – Brass Elementz! This pioneering library of Brass bites comes packed with over 800 total crunk brass sounds across 53 multi-format presets making the latest trends in hip hop easier to master than ever before! No matter which style of hip hop you’re aiming for, ModernBeats’ Brass Elementz Collection will take your productions to the next level! The “Brass Elementz” library consists of 2 separate soundsets, Brass Elementz 1 and 2. Both soundsets are organized into 2 main major categories – Brass Chordz-n-Riffz and Brass Instruments.

    Brass Elementz 2 – By popular demand ModernBeats brings you more aggressive textures for your melodies in this sequel! Brass Elementz 2 comes packed with over 400 crunk brass sounds across 27 multi-format presets offering 6 new brass groups: Battle Brass, Brass-n-Reedz 2, Da Windz, Heated Brass 2, Old Brass, and Suspense & Swellz!

    INFO/DEMO: http://redi.se/3bw1


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