• Bolder Sounds BOB American Folk KONTAKT-AudioP2P-MaGeSY

    BOB American Folk KONTAKT

    Team AudioP2P | 08 October 2009 | 41.90 MB

    The Best Of Bolder double CD ROM was released for Gigastudio in April of 2002. It consisted of choice Material from previous Bolder libraries. This volume is a continuation of converting that library into natively programmed instruments for NI Kontakt and the Apple EXS 24. Other volumes that have already been converted

    B.O.B American Folk Instrument List
    Autoharp – This is a Oscar Schmidt autoharp with a solid wood top. Typically this instrument is strummed. However it is very nice to play as a keyboard-like instrument also. Try layering it with some pad sounds! The “Strummed Chords” program employs major chords from E2-A3 and minor chords from A#3 – C6. “Swirls and Stuff” are dream-like atmospheric type effects. The “Swirl Layers” are transposed layers of the atmospheric samples…….. they are quite fun to experiment with!

    Banjo – This is a stereo recording of a Deering banjo. You will notice an oddly placed single high G note at G2 on your keyboard. This is the high string of the banjo (5th string – usually played as an open string). If you want to make some convincing banjo “rolls” – just hold down your sustain pedal and do a simple arpeggio pattern involving this note and 2 to 3 other notes. Example: with the sustain pedal down…. play G2, C4, E4, then G2, D4, G4, then G2, B3, G4
    quickly………… you get the idea! The MW is used also to control various filter settings as well as mixing in harmonics samples to the original pitch of the string.

    Hammered Dulcimer – Nothing too tricky about this program bank – a basic program map. If you are looking for a more detailed sample library of this instrument, check out the Bolder’s Hammered Dulcimer Trilogy.
    American Folk Instruments

    Fretless Gut-Strung Banjo – This is quite an unusual instrument with a very distinctive sonic character. Not only is it a fretless banjo…. it has gut strings and has a lute-like gourd back to it! As with the Deering banjo sampled in this collection – There is a lone F note located at F2 which is the 5th string of the banjo typically played by the thumb as sort of a drone note used in rolls.

    Louden Steel String Guitar – This is also my personal guitar, this guitar is a favorite of Celtic musicians. Just one velocity layer is sampled along with natural harmonics. There are two programs which use the Mod Wheel to mix the harmonics with the natural plucked sample of the guitar.

    Mandolin, Mandola and Mandocello – Here we have the 3 members of the mandolin family. Their ranges correspond exactly to the violin, viola and cello. I have sampled all three instruments both plucked and tremolo. They are presented in programs featuring 1 articulation only and then they are presented as different types of layers – velocity switch as well as the mod wheel (cc #1) acting as a mixer control.

    Marxophone – This is an early American instrument very similar to the construction and sound of a Hammered
    Dulcimer. However it has built in mallets which are spring loaded and triggered by pushing a button. It was one of those instruments that was designed so that “anyone” could play it………

    push a button and get a note. It also has a most unusual tremolo like feature where the note is repeated by bouncing the mallet on the strings. In the programs I’ve called this effect “tremolo”, but that may not be accurate. There is no denying that this instrument has quite a unique sonic quality. Techniques of programming are my usual “bag of tricks” when it comes to an instrument which was sampled with tremolo and “straight”. Various filter controls are employed as well as layers controlled by the Mod Wheel. Thanks again to my friend Tom Wasinger for letting me sample another one of his unusual creatures.

    DiSCONTiNUED: https://mage.si/SwB5v
    Bolder Sounds BOB American Folk KONTAKT-AudioP2P
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