Blood & Gore Sound Effects
Team DjYOPMiX | 11.02.2021 | 70.4 MB
Total Length: 00:17:15
- 01 Two Heavy Guillotine Impacts] 00:06
- 02 Two Men Decapitated by Guillotine] 00:07
- 03 Massive Metal Spike Driven Through Human Body] 00:02
- 04 Decapitating Two Men with a Large Sword] 00:05
- 05 Two Throats Are Slit with Blood Spilling Out] 00:06
- 06 Cutting Open Body with Large Knife and Peeling Back Chest Flap] 00:11
- 07 Human Choking on and Drowning in Own Blood] 00:06
- 08 Knife Stabbed into Body Twice Before Being Twisted] 00:08
- 09 Knife Stabbed into Human Body Many Times] 00:06
- 10 Slicing Open Chest and Stomach Cavity] 00:06
- 11 Slowly Ripping off a Human Leg] 00:07
- 12 Tearing off Both Legs at the Knee] 00:06
- 13 Twisting and Pulling off Both Arms] 00:06
- 14 Stabbing Small Sword into Body with Metal on Bone Shings] 00:07
- 15 Stabbing Twisting and Grinding Knife into Human Torso] 00:18
- 16 Two Human Bodies Explode Under Pressure] 00:06
- 17 Two Human Heads Explode Under Pressure] 00:06
- 18 Human Body Imploding into Itself] 00:28
- 19 Axe Chopped into Human Body] 00:05
- 20 Axe Chopped into Human Head] 00:05
- 21 Cutting Through Human Arm with a Knife] 00:08
- 22 Knife Twisting Inside of Human Chest] 00:10
- 23 Multiple Stabs to the Back] 00:06
- 24 Sawing Through Bones with a Large Knife] 00:10
- 25 Sawing Through Several Wet Fleshy Human Bones] 00:43
- 26 Serrated Blade Sawing Through Bone] 00:08
- 27 Twisting and Shoving Screwdriver into Ear] 00:11
- 28 Ripping Teeth out with Pliers] 00:08
- 29 Twisting Human Head Completely Around 360 Degrees] 04:16
- 30 Violently Twisting a Human Head Off] 00:06
- 31 Human Heads Being Crushed] 00:23
- 32 Human Skull Slowly Being Crushed with a Wet Pop] 00:08
- 33 Head Squished Until Eyes Pop Out] 00:06
- 34 Digging Inside of Human Body with Sickening Sloppy Squishing] 00:23
- 35 Human Body Being Dismembered] 00:12
- 36 Internal Organs and Guts Squishing] 00:22
- 37 Internal Organs Spilling out and Dropping to Floor] 00:15
- 38 Multiple Blood Spurts and Drips with Guts Gushing Out] 00:11
- 39 Prying on Rib Cage and Tearing Open Human Chest] 00:07
- 40 Ripping Open a Body Cavity] 00:07
- 41 Ripping out Internal Organs and Dropping Them to Ground] 00:08
- 42 Ripping out Several Organs from Body] 00:14
- 43 Blood Dripping with Thick Splattering on Floor] 00:27
- 44 Blood Pouring from Body and Spraying to Ground] 00:06
- 45 Blood Spilling and Dripping] 00:06
- 46 Thick Flowing Blood] 00:26
- 47 Disgusting Flesh Squishing] 00:12
- 48 Flesh Being Torn from Human Skull] 00:06
- 49 Human Faces Being Torn from Skull] 00:05
- 50 Human Flesh Being Ripped and Torn] 00:05
- 51 Separating Human Flesh from Bone] 00:14
- 52 Sloppy Gnawing and Chewing on Flesh] 00:27
- 53 Squishy Flesh Chops] 00:05
- 54 Squishy Flesh Movement] 00:34
- 55 Violently Tearing and Ripping Flesh from Human Body] 00:28
- 56 Wet Human Flesh Squishing] 00:10
- 57 Worms Eating Through Human Corpse] 00:20
- 58 Writhing Flesh Movement] 00:35
- 59 All Five Fingers on Both Hands Being Broken] 00:09
- 60 Bone Cracks and Splinters with Blood Squirts and Drips] 00:09
- 61 Bone Impacts with Breaks and Gushing Blood] 00:05
- 62 Bones Being Broken Right at the Joint] 00:09
- 63 Bones Being Slowly Crushed] 00:07
- 64 Breaking Fingers and Toes While Ripping Some Off] 00:06
- 65 Crunching Bone Cracks] 00:06
- 66 Crunchy Bone Breaks and Splinters] 00:14
- 67 Human Bones Cracking and Snapping] 00:06
- 68 Neck Being Broken and Bones Snapping] 00:07
- 69 Several Human Bones Being Broken] 00:06
- 70 Severe Splintering Bone Fractures] 00:06
Blood And Gore Sound Effects SFX FLAC Post: