Bigcat GM MiDi Instruments KONTAKT
FREE | 13.03.2015 | 10 GB
Midi Sound Set
I’m a bit obsessed with making available all 128 instruments of the General Midi 1 Sound Set. This is the sound set that midi files use to recreate music, soundfonts traditionally revolve around them and if you get 128 voice keyboard these are generally the voices it has. It is a standard to make sure that when Instrument 1 is called for it is always Acoustic Grand Piano and not bagpipes or a car crash.Thanks to Sarcyan allowing me to convert his most excellent Musyng Kite Sound Font, I think all 128 sounds are now represented here at old bigcat Instruments and available for Kontakt 5.
Being me, getting all of the GM sound set as instruments for Kontakt calls for a list. A really long list. Initials at the front of the instrument name refers to the maker, see the key at the bottom. If there is more than one instrument that fits the patch, all instruments are listed side by side. Bonus instruments of similar type are included under the more general midi instrument.
Content List:
1 Acoustic Grand City Piano Bonus Patches Iowa Piano
MK Acoustic Grand SSO Grand Piano S Piano
2 Bright Acoustic Salamander Piano Summer Piano MK Bright Grand
Upright Skerratt London Upright Piano
3 Electric Grand MK Electric Grand
4 Honky-Tonk Shoot the Piano MK Honky Tonk
Intimate The Whisper MSLP Piano Grand Soft
Prepared A Prepared Piano
Toy MSLP Toy Piano
5 Electric Piano 1 Street Bumper Piano MK R Piano
Detuned MK Detuned EP 1
6 Electric Piano 2 The H Planet S Piano MK Electric 2
Detuned MK Detuned EP 2
7 Harpsichord MK Harpsichord
Coupled MK Coupled Harpsichord
9 Celesta MK Celesta
10 Glockenspiel MK Glockenspiel SSO Glockenspiel
11 Music Box MK Music Box
Found Finger Piano
Chimes SSO Chimes
12 Vibraphone MSLP Vibraphone MK Vibraphone
13 Marimba MSLP Marimba MK Marimba
Toy MSLP Toy Marimba MSLP Broken Toy Marimba
14 Xylophone MSLP Xylophone MK Xylophone SSO Xylophone
Toy MSLP Toy Zylo
15 Tubular Bells MK Tubular Bells
Church Bells MK Church Bells
16 Dulcimer MK Dulcimer MSLP Kantele
Toy MSLP Toy ZitherORGAN
17 Drawbar Organ MK Drawbar Organ
Detuned MK Detuned Organ 1 MK Detuned Organ 3
18 Percussive Organ MK Percussive Organ
Detuned MK Detuned Percussive Organ
19 Rock Organ MK Rock Organ
20 Church Organ MK Church Organ 1 MK Church Organ 2
Pipe Organ Bureu Saint Augustine’s Burea Funeral
21 Reed Organ MK Reed Organ
22 Accordion MK Accordion
Italian MK Italian Accordion
23 Harmonica MK Harmonica
Toy MSLP Hippo Harmonica
Melodica MSLP Melodica
24 Tango Accordion MK BandoneonGUITAR
25 Nylon String MF Natural Concert Guitar Quartertone Guitar MK Nylon Guitar
S Guitar MSLP Acoustic Lil Nylon
Shell DIY Philharmonic Guitar
Chords MSLP Acoustic Guitar Chords
Ukulele MK Ukulele
26 Steel String Project 16 Sherwood SH887 Guitar FS Seagull Steel String Acoustic Guitar
FS Ibanez Steel String Acoustic Guitar MK Steel Guitar
12 Sring MK 12 String Guitar
Mandolin MSLP Mandolin Nillsson MK Mandolin
Shell DIY Philharmonic Mandolin
Tiple Tiple
27 Electric Jazz FS Gibson Les Paul Electric Guitar MK Jazz Guitar
Hawaiian MK Hawaiian Guitar
28 Electric Clean FS Fender Jaguar Electric FS Fender Telecaster Electric Guitar
Cute Emily MK Clean Guitar S Jackson EMG
Chords MSLP Electric Guitar Chords
Chorus MK Chorus Guitar
29 Electric Muted MK Muted Guitar
Funk MK Funk Guitar
30 Overdriven MK Overdriven Guitar
31 Distortion MK Distortion Guitar 1 MK Distortion Guitar 2
Feedback MK Feedback Guitar
32 G Harmonics MK Guitar Harmonics
G Feedback MK Guitar FeedbackBASS
33 Acoustic Bass FS Washburn Acoustic Bass Guitar MK Acoustic Bass
34 Electric Fingered FS Yamaha Electric Bass Guitar Quartertone Bass Guitar MK Finger Bass
Muffled FS Ibanez Electric Bass Guitar
35 Electric Picked MK Pick Bass
Variety of Basses Project16 Bass – Version 2 Eight MSLP Basses
36 Fretless Bass MK Fretless Bass
37 Slap Bass 1 MK Slap Bass
38 Slap Bass 2 MK Slap Bass 2
39 Synth Bass 1 MK Synth Bass 1 MK Synth Bass 2
40 Synth Bass 2 MK Synth Bass 3 MK Synth Bass 4SOLO STRINGS
41 Violin Ldk1609 Violin SSO Solo Violin MK Violin S Violin
Shell DIY Violin (see here)
Violins SSO 1st Violins – Take 2 SSO 2nd Violins – Take 2
42 Viola S Viola MK Viola
Shell DIY Viola (see here)
Violas SSO Violas – Take 2
43 Cello Karoryfer Cello MSLP Cello Lofberg
SSO Solo Cello S Cello MK Cello
Celli Celli
Viola Da Gamba S Simple Viola da Gamba
44 Contrabass D Smolken Double Bass Chad’s Double Bass Pizzicato
MSLP Double Bass Lofberg MK Contrabass
Contrabasses SSO Basses
45 Tremolo Strings MK Tremolo Strings
46 Pizzicato Strings MK Pizzicato Strings
47 Harp SSO Concert Harp MK Celtic Harp
48 Timpani SSO Timpani MSLP Timpani MK Timpani
Frightening Bows Crotbow GlockbowENSEMBLE
49 String Ensemble 1 bigcat String Section MK String Ensemble
50 String Ensemble 2 MK Slow Strings
51 SynthStrings 1 MK Synth Strings 1 Mk Synth Strings 2
52 SynthStrings 2 MK Synth Strings 3 MK Orchestral Pad
53 Choir Aahs SSO Male SSO Female SSO Mixed MK Choral Aahs
54 Voice Oohs Betsy Joseph MK Melodic Choir
55 Synth Voice MK Synth Vox
56 Orchestra Hit MK Orchestral HitBRASS
57 Trumpet SSO Trumpet S The Trumpet MK Trumpet S Bb Trumpet
Trumpets SSO Trumpets – Take 2
58 Trombone MSLP Trombone Knutsson SSO Tenor Trombone S Tenor Trombone
Bass Trombone SSO Bass Trombone S Bass Trombone
Trombones MSLP Trombone Knutsson Ensemble SSO Trombones MK Trombones
59 Tuba SSO Tuba MK Tuba S Tuba
60 Muted Trumpet MK Muted Trumpet
61 French Horn SSO Horn S French Horn
French Horns SSO Horns – Take 2 MK French Horns
62 Brass Section MK Brass Section
63 SynthBrass 1 MK Synth Brass 1 MK Synth Brass 2
64 SynthBrass 2 MK Synth Brass 3 MK Synth Brass 4REED
65 Soprano Sax Iowa Soprano Sax MK Soprano Sax
66 Alto Sax Iowa Alto Sax Club Alto Sax Club Jazz Alto Sax MK Alto Sax
67 Tenor Sax Club Tenor Sax MSLP Sax MK Tenor Sax
68 Baritone Sax Club Baritone Sax MK Baritone Sax
69 Oboe SSO Oboe Iowa Oboe MK Oboe S Oboe
Oboes SSO Oboes
70 English Horn SSO Cor Anglias MK English Horn
71 Bassoon SSO Bassoon Iowa Bassoon S Bassoon MK Bassoon
Bassoons SSO Bassoons
Contrabassoon SSO Contrabassoon
72 Clarinet SSO Clarinet MSLP Sad Clarinet MK Clarinet Legato
continued… Iowa Eb Clarinet Iowa Bb Clarinet S Bb Clarinet
Bass Clarinet Iowa Bass Clarinet S Bass Clarinet
Clarinets SSO Clarinets
Crumhorn S CrumhornPIPE
73 Piccolo SSO Piccolo MK Piccolo
74 Flute MSLP Flute Grbavac Iowa Flute SSO Flute MK Flute
Alto Flute Iowa Alto Flute Iowa Tuned Alto Flute S Alto Flute SSO Alto Flute
Bass Flute Iowa Bass Flute S Bass Flute
Flutes SSO Flutes
75 Recorder MSLP Recorder MK Recorder
76 Pan Flute MK Pan Flute
77 Blown Bottle MK Blown Bottle MK Breathe
78 Skakuhachi MK Skakuhachi
79 Whistle MK Whistle
80 Ocarina MK OcarinaSYNTH LEAD
81 Lead 1 (square) MK Square Lead
Lead 1.2 (sine) MK AC Sine Wave
82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) MK Saw Wave
Lead 2.2 (doctor) MK Doctor Solo
83 Lead 3 (calliope) MK Calliope Lead
84 Lead 4 (chiff) MK Chiffer Lead
85 Lead 5 (charang) MK Charang
86 Lead 6 (voice) MK Solo Vox
Lead 6.2 (doo) MK Doo Vox
87 Lead 7 (fifths) MK 5th Saw Wave
88 Lead 8 (bass+lead) MK Bass + LeadSYNTH PAD
89 Pad 1 (new age) MK Fantasia Pad
90 Pad 2 (warm) MK Warm Strings
91 Pad 3 (polysynth) MK Polysynth
92 Pad 4 (choir) MK Voice Pad
93 Pad 5 (bowed) MK Bowed Pad
94 Pad 6 (metallic) MK Metal Pad
95 Pad 7 (halo) MK Halo Pad
96 Pad 8 (sweep) MK Sweep PadSYNTH EFFECTS
97 FX 1 (rain) MK Ice Rain
98 FX 2 (soundtrack) MK Soundtrack
99 FX 3 (crystal) MK Crystal
100 FX 4 (atmosphere) MK Atmosphere
101 FX 5 (brightness) MK Brightness
102 FX 6 (goblins) MK Goblins
103 FX 7 (echoes) MK Echoes
104 FX 8 (sci-fi) MK Star ThemeETHNIC
105 Sitar MK Sitar
106 Banjo FS Kay 5-String Banjo MK Banjo MSLP Banjo
Shell DIY Philharmonic Banjo (see here)
107 Shamisen MK Shamisen
108 Koto MK Koto
Taisho Koto MK Taisho Koto
109 Kalimba MK Kalimba
110 Bagpipe MK Bagpipe
111 Fiddle MK Fiddle MSLP Folk Violin Lofberg
112 Shenai MK Shenai
World Instruments S 9 World Instruments
Kayageum Spt3125 KayageumPERCUSSIVE
113 Tinkle Bell MK Tinkle Bell
Jingle Bells MSLP Jingle Bells
114 Agogo MK Agogo
115 Steel Drums MK Steel Pan Steel Drums
116 Woodblock MK Woodblock
Castanets MK Castanets
Maracas MSLP Maracas
117 Taiko Drum MK Taiko Drum
Concert Bass Drum MK Concert Bass Drum
118 Melodic Tom MK Melodic Tom MK Melodic Tom 2
119 Synth Drum MK Snyth Drum
808 Tom MK 808 Tom
120 Reverse Cymbal MK Reverse Cymbal
Tambourine S Pink TambourineSOUND EFFECTS
121 Guitar Fret Noise MK Fret Noise
Guitar Cut Noise MK Cut Noise
String Slap MK String Slap
122 Breath Noise Breathing Noises
Flute Key Click MK Key Click
123 Seashore MK Seashore
Rain MK Rain
Thunder MK Thunder
Wind MK Wind
Stream MK Stream
Bubble MK Bubble Tverse Bubbles
124 Bird Tweet MK Bird Goose
Dog MK Dog
Horse MK Horse Gallop
Grasshopper S Grasshopper
125 Telephone MK Telephone 1 MK Telephone 2
Door Creak MK Door Creak
Door Close The Doors MK Door Slam
Scratch MK Scratch
Wind Chimes MK Wind Chimes
126 Helicopter Helicopter
Car Engine MK Car Engine
Car Stop MK Car Skid
Car Pass MK Car Pass
Car Crash MK Car Crash
Siren MK Siren
Train MK Train
Jet Plane MK Jet Plane
Star Ship MK Star Ship
Burst Noise MK Burst Noise
127 Applause MK Applause
Laughing MK Laughter
Screaming MK Screaming
Punch MK Punch
Heartbeat MK Heartbeat
Footsteps MK Footsteps
128 Gunshot Gunshot SFX MK Gunshot
Machine Gun MK Machine Gun
Lazar Gun MK Lazar Gun
Explosion MK ExplosionDrums
1 Standard Kit Quartertone Drums SmithULTD/Evil Dragon Drums MK Standard Kit
2 Standard Kit 2 MK Standard Kit 2
3 Pop Kit MK Pop Kit
4 Jungle Kit MK Jungle Kit
9 Room Kit MK Room Kit
10 Room Kit 2 MK Room Kit 2
17 Power Kit MK Power Kit
25 Electronic Kit MK Electronic Kit
26 TR-808 Kit MK US 88
27 TR-909 Kit MK US 99
28 GORK Kit MK Synth QORK
33 Jazz Kit MK Jazz Kit
34 Jazz Kit 2 MK Jazz Kit 2
35 Latin Kit MK Latin Kit
41 Brush Kit MK Brush Kit
49 Orchestra Kit MK Orchestra Drums MSLP Orchestral Percussion
57 SFX Kit MK SFX Set
81 Electro Kit MK Electro Kit
82 Dance Kit MK Dance Kit
83 Gabba Kit MK Gabba Kit
84 House Kit MK House Kit
85 Industrial Kit MK Industrial Kit
86 Rave Kit MK Rave Kit
87 Techno Kit MK Techno Kit
105 Ethnic Percussion MK Ethnic Percussion
106 Africa Kit MK Africa Kit
107 Gamelan Complete Gamelan Delft Bonang Barung Pelog GMB Gamelan
128 CM Kit MK Drum SynthINFO:
Bigcat GM MiDi Instruments KONTAKT
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