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    ReGroove Booster REFiLL

    Team AMPLiFY | 08.15.2008 | 345.12 KB

    This refill contains 66 new patches for one of the exciting new features of Reason version 4, the ReGroove Mixer. The ReGroove Mixer is a great tool for making the feel of your songs less rigid and cold, which can often be the case when using quantization on any sequencer. Many of these ReGroove patches contain not just timing/shuffle feel, but also Note Velocity and Note Length variations. These patches can be applied to any track in your sequences, try them on bass or keyboard parts… or even the whole song… you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

    A few things to know when using the ReGroove Mixer:

    • To load any patches into the ReGroove Mixer, press the ReGroove Mixer icon (lower right hand side of the transport) and the press the folder icon of the desired Channel location (ex. A1).
    • Make sure the Channel you are using is enabled (ON is illuminated at the top of the channel). If you would like to adjust the Timing, Velocity or Note Length Impact, make sure the EDIT button is on in the Channel you wish edit. Press F8 to bring up the Tool window, and then select Groove at the top of the Tool Window.
    • ReGroove can only be used with notes that are recorded into clips on a sequencer track, not pattern devices (ReDrum, Matrix, RPG-8). If you would like to try out any ReGroove patches on parts that exist in a pattern device, you must use the copy pattern to track function to get the pattern converted to notes.
    • In order to hear any Note Velocity changes when using ReGroove with a Dr. Rex loop player, you must first enable velocity to modify the Amp by turning the AMP knob clockwise (look under the VELOCITY section on the left of the module… near the Mod Wheel).
    • Remember that you can create your own ReGroove patches as well from any sequenced material in a song (I suggest limiting it to 4 bars at the most). This includes any MIDI data that is created when you load a .rx2 file into a Dr. Rex Loop Player and press the TO TRACK button.

    ReGroove Booster REFiLL-AMPLiFY


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