  • Fire Water Air Earth REFiLLS-DiSCOVER-SYNTHiC4TE-MaGeSY

    Fire, Water, Air, Earth, REFiLLS

    DiSCOVER/SYNTHiC4TE | 19 May 2015 | 246.70 MB

    The danger and beauty of a dancing flame has made Fire a constant source of intrigue. Swarming with unique organic samples such as plucked strings, old keys, Zelda’s ocarina, distorted audio, massive synthesis, warped metal and broken glass represent heat, light and fantastic colors accompanying the unrelenting cackle of a growing inferno. These 50 distortion laced Combinator patches blaze through your speakings in sparkling 24 bit audio. This Refill utilizes Reason 6 and up. Start the sonic spark.

    – 50 Fire inspired Combinator patches –
    – Unique organic and synthetic samples –
    – Distortion is the main processing technique –
    – 24bit audio –

    Fire Demo:

    SoundCloud Preview

    Allow your ears to take in the majesty of the Air as it is not easily perceived by sight alone. The use of ambient soundscapes and synthesizer pads alludes to the vastness of the flowing sky, the mysterious travels of smoke in the wind, and the whimsy of dreams hidden amongst the clouds. Bulging with unique organic samples at 24 bit comprise this 50 Combinator patch refill as the sound of wind, glass, singing bowls, metals, bowed strings, and atmospheres take you to magical places. This Refill utilizes Reason 6 and up.  Breathe. Flow. Fly.

    – 50 Air inspired Combinator patches –
    – Unique organic and synthetic samples –
    – Pad and atmospheres are featured –
    – 24bit audio –

    Air Demo:

    SoundCloud Preview

    Whether it is powerful or soothing, transparent or murky, rolling steadily or standing still, the versatile nature of Water is essential to the continuation of all life. The sonic experience that water provides for the human spirit is inspiration for this abstract representation of field recordings and synthesis. Plucked strings, mallets, piano and organic and synthesized pads are the primary tools used to build this 50 abstract Combinator patch collection. This Refill utilizes Reason 6 and up. Dive in and absorb.

    – 50 Water inspired Combinator patches –
    – Unique organic and synthetic samples –
    – Powerful processing inspired by water –
    – 24bit audio –

    Water Demo:

    SoundCloud Preview

    The sounds of the Earth produce a constant symphony of untamed splendor. 50 Combinator patches overgrown with tons of unique samples are used to represent natural elements including rusty metal, bubbly liquid, singing glass, ancient wood, magic crystals and more. The use of field recordings and digital synthesis make these organic wonders of our world come to life in dynamic 24 bit. This Refill utilizes Reason 6 and up. Listen to your Mother.

    – 50 Earth inspired Combinator patches –
    – Unique organic and synthetic samples –
    – Multi-genre possibilities –
    – 24bit audio –

    Earth Demo:

    SoundCloud Preview

    Fire, Water, Air, Earth, REFiLLS-DISCOVER-SYNTHiC4TE
    ♪ Download ♪


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