Attack Mode LiVE-DYNAMiCS
TEAM DYNAMiCS | 08.01.2010 | 39 MB
Attack Mode An advanced and flexible collection of over 110 Drum and Transient effects processors for Ableton Live. Included with Attack Mode you’ll find Tons of punchy signal processors, exotic channel strips, suped-up Compression chains, and Advanced Reverb and Modulation Algorithms. All effects have been designed with ease of use in mind and at the same time are intended to be powerful enough to give your drums the spice they need to cut through a mix- without overpowering the rest of your track.
Attack Mode features 110 Effect Racks as 4 new Modules-
pureChan Our take on vintage channel strips and multi-effect racks – tailored specifically for drum processing. Transient boosters and drivers, Analog and Tube style EQ, compressor and Limiter chains, Tonal Controls, and even performance style filter modules. The key here is the use of subtle combinations of different effects working together. Careful attention has been given to parameter curves in adding subtle harmonics to bring out the intricacy’s in your productions.Multiband Easy to use, 3 band effects processor Racks. Add Punch and Bite to individual frequencies in your Beats with this extensible effects module. Multiband Compressors, Analog Tape and Valve channels, and Advanced Modulation Racks.
Matrix – A Mid Side signal separator and processor. Once again, the theme here is separation. By dividing an element into more than one component we are able to address individual constituents of a particular sound. Here we are separating the Mid/Side channels of a stereo signal. Processing separately the Mid/Side channels instead of Left/Right channels makes stereo widening very easy and you control the way you apply your effect on the Mono (Mid) and Stereo (Side) parts of the sound. We’ve supplied you with presets o plenty to get you started including spectral shifters, stereo adjusters, sophisticated channel strips, and advanced reverb and space modulators.
Choppa Glitched out Insanity and stuttering effects modeled from some of our favorite beat mangling effects and applications . Most of these racks feature Ableton’s beat repeat effect. Included are loop mutators, live performance tools and an almost realtime beat slicer and sequencer.
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